Home — Artists — Kes Efstathiou

Meet the Artist

Kes Efstathiou

Kes Efstathiou is a photographer and educator who entered the medium at a young age via GameBoy Camera. Decades later, he weaves the physical and digital together to address the self, technology, and, more broadly, the photographer’s inescapable role in altering our perceptions. Kes’s practice of constructing for the camera is an underlying metaphor for his identity as a trans man. Kes actively seeks to challenge and expand the institutional expectations of underrepresented artists. He received his MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology and BA from Montana State University — Bozeman. Kes is a Visiting Assistant Professor and freelance photographer based in Fayetteville, AR.



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Ice #1

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Ice #2

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Ice #3

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Ice #4

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Ice #5

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Ice #1

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Ice #2

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Ice #3

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Ice #4

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Ice #5

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Creative Direction by Anna E. Cottrell

Design by Blake Chamberlain Creative

Development by Andrew Brewer & Happy Design