Photo by Andrew Kilgore
Meet the Artist
Vincent Edwards
My body of work embraces the functional aesthetics of architecture in both natural structures and the designed world. When applied carefully, engineering elements can also service the decorative aesthetic. I look to wooden boat and aircraft forms, mathematical surfaces, and biological structures as primary sources of inspiration.
The advent of digital design and fabrication tools allow for a vastly expanded artistic vocabulary. Curves and surfaces can now be created and manipulated with a staggering level of accuracy and repeatability. Larger, more intricate pieces can be created in a fraction of the time it once took craftsmen working with traditional tools. Everything is scalable.
New technology can also threaten traditional craft. Handmade art retains an honesty and vibrancy that no machine can duplicate, so I seek a synthesis of my traditional furniture-making background and my more recent training in digital design and fabrication. I strive for a harmony between these categorically different modalities, where digital design expands traditional design, rather than eclipsing or replacing it.
Vincent Edwards is an artist and designer in Fayetteville. He currently teaches digital fabrication and sculpture at the University of Arkansas School of Art where he also runs the 3D Advanced Technologies Lab. Vincent received an MFA from the Herron School of Art and Design.